10 easy types of freelance writing jobs online start your freelance writing career now

10 easy types of freelance writing jobs online

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Last updated on July 6th, 2024 at 05:22 pm

Are you searching for 10 easy types of freelance writing jobs online? If you are looking for the right type of freelance writing job. Then you are in the right place. In this article, we will discuss the 10 easy types of freelance writing jobs that freelancers should know.

If you are finding a place in content writing and want to choose the best type of job that fits you. Then in this blog, we have shortlisted the 10 types of freelance writing jobs that are highly demanded in the market and best to grow your career as a freelance content writer.

There are many more opportunities for freelance content writing work or jobs, especially if you have good expert writing skills. Similarly, not all types of content writing jobs are easy to get started with.

Some of them need the lard practice and learning and some of them are simple to learn and get started to making a career as a freelance writer.

We have researched and visited many sites on the web, and after getting knowledge from expert brothers and friends we have a list of 10 easy types of freelancing jobs that you can choose to start your freelance writing career.

10 easy types of freelance writing jobs online

1. Social media posts

If you are good at making or writing short and attention-grabbing posts for social media, then you can start offering your services to businesses. You can help businesses by writing attention-grabbing posts and helping them with their social media presence.

You can easily find freelance writing jobs on the topic of social media posts in many freelance marketplaces like Fiverr, Guru, Upwork, and so on.

2. Blog posts

Blog posts are a great option for freelance writers and have something to say on a specific or particular topic. There are lots of businesses and individuals who need help creating content for their blogs.

This is a great option if you can write about a specific topic like tech, music, nature, food, and so on. Lots of jobs are posted on freelance websites on the topic of blog post writing. You just need to sign up and make a gig or bid on your interesting projects.

3. Web content

Similarly, web content writing is another important easy type of freelance writing job. Many businesses and companies need help with creating content for their sites like product descriptions, about us pages, privacy policy pages, and so on.

If you have some expertise or experience in web design or SEO, this can be the best thing to start your career as a freelance content writer.

4. Ghostwriting

Ghostwriting is another best and most demanded type of freelance content writing job. It includes writing the content for others under their names.

The demand for Ghostwriting jobs also increasing and it can be a great way to get started in a freelance content writing career. Due to the low competition, Ghostwriting would be the best option for you.

5. Editing and proofreading

Similarly, editing and proofreading are the best and easiest types of freelance content writing jobs. If you have major knowledge about spot errors, and grammar, then editing and proofreading could be the perfect freelance content writing jobs for you.

There is a lot of business, companies, and individuals who need help making sure their content is error-free before it’s published online or in print media. In this way, This is one of the easy freelance content writing jobs that could make you successful in your freelance journey.

6. Copywriting

In the same way, businesses and companies need copywriters in order to sell their products or services. If you have knowledge about creating effective marketing and advertising copy then, it could be the best job for you. Making a good advertising copy is easy with the help of many tools and software.

You can easily learn copywriting from YouTube videos and online course websites. In this way, It is one of the best easy freelance writing jobs for you to start your career as a freelance content writer.

7. Grant writing

In the same way, Non-profit businesses or organizations need help applying for grants from foundations and other funding sources. If you have expertise in this type of writing, then this could be a great and best option for you to start your career as a grant writer.

8. Resume writing

Similarly, resume writing is one of the best and easiest freelance content writing jobs that require a small part of writing skills. Many job seekers need help to create effective resumes that will help them to fight the competition.

Resume writing is easier and faster due to many online software and tools. You can design and write attractive resumes by using the many online resume writing tools. If you have knowledge of resume writing, then this could be a lucrative option for you to start your freelance writing career as a resume writer.

9. Video Script Writing

Video script writing is one of the most demanded freelance writing jobs. Lots of businesses need to tell their story visually via videos. A video script writer can make a good amount of income if they work with high-paying clients.

If you have expertise in video script writing then, it could be the best option for you to start your freelance writing career as a video script writer.

10. SEO writing

Similarly, If you have knowledge about the ranking algorithm, are experts in keyword research, and have knowledge about writing content that ranks, then you can easily apply for SEO writing jobs.

With the increase of the business online the demand for SEO writers also increases. This is because every business needs to rank at the top to sell its products or services. So, SEO writing jobs could be the best job option for you to start your freelance content writing career.

You may also like to ask:

IS freelance writing a promising career?

Yes, a freelance writing career could be a great option for you. The demand for writing jobs makes the freelance writing career the best option if you have an interest in writing. You can make a good source of income by starting your freelance writing journey. With your skills and expertise, you can make a lot of income and remember to be up to date and keep learning with time.

How do freelance writers earn money?

By offering your writing skills on different freelancing sites you can earn a good amount of money. Many jobs are posted on a regular basis on popular freelance marketplaces like Fiverr, Guru, and Upwork.

What is the best freelance writing jobs are best for beginners?

There are many jobs where you can start your career as a freelance content writer. Resume writing, blog writing, article writing, and copywriting is the best and easiest job to get started as a beginner.

Where to find freelance writing jobs?

There are 100 freelancing websites where you can easily find your desired job. Some of the popular freelancing sites are Upwork, Guru, Fiverr, freelancer.com, peopleperhour.com, and so on. Similarly, Thousands of content writing jobs are available in this freelance marketplace.

Who hires freelance writers?

Businesses, individuals, and companies hire freelance writers to write their content. Businesses need blog writers, product description writers, and advertising copywriters in order to sell their products or services online. Similarly, Many websites need content for their blog post and many more. In this way, If you are a content writer don’t worry, You are in the right place and demand for your skills is increasing rapidly.

How to start freelance writing without experience?

If you are a beginner and want to start your career as a freelance content writer then go for a low-competition freelance content writing job. You can start your freelance journey by choosing blog writing, resume writing, ad copywriting, and so on. You can learn these easy freelance content writing jobs on YouTube, or take a course on a popular website like Udemy, Coursera, and so on. After learning and practicing these skills, you can go on a freelance journey easily.

How much should I charge for freelance writing?

The price for the project depends upon the working hours, type of job, clients, platforms, locations, and so on. You can charge an average amount as a beginner and start growing your charge according to your skillset and experience. Similarly, you can easily decide your working charge by analyzing the competitor’s price. In this way, you can make a good income with your skills and experiences.


We discussed the 10 easy types of freelance writing jobs in detail. Writing jobs play a very important role in the past and it also plays an important role in the present. The demand for content writing rapidly increases with time. Content writing could be the best option to secure your future. If you have good knowledge about writing skills and can learn the structures of these skills, You can easily start your career as a freelance content writer.

We have discussed 10 major freelance writing jobs. Some of them are easy and some of them require huge knowledge and learning. You can easily learn these skills through YouTube videos and online course websites. After learning and practicing these skills the market is open for you. By learning these skills and working well by utilizing your practice and learning you can make a good income as a freelance content writer.

If you have any suggestions for this “10 easy freelance content writing job” don’t forget to leave a comment below. Thanks for visiting this site.

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